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Executive Council adopts OPPOSE position on IP 22

May 11, 2017 / PSU-AAUP

5/11/17 OPPOSE IP 22: This week, three Republican legislators filed a potential ballot measure, IP 22, to repeal Oregon’s 30-year-old sanctuary law. This proposal is an all-out attack on our Oregon values: IP 22 will divide our state and give Donald Trump’s harmful and hateful policies a foothold in Oregon.

Rationale: Oregon’s common-sense sanctuary law, like similar laws in 39 cities and 364 counties across the U.S., separates local law enforcement from federal immigration enforcement — which public safety experts say actually keeps our communities safer. The Major Cities Chiefs Association (MCCA) opposes local officers enforcing federal immigration law, because that “undermines the trust and cooperation with immigrant communities which are essential elements of community oriented policing.”

IP 22 ignores experts, diverting already stretched thin public safety resources away from our communities and making it harder for law enforcement to keep us safe. This proposal will create a culture of fear and hurt almost every aspect of our local economy. Already, families across Oregon are hiding in their homes, terrified to send their children to school, or go to work or the grocery store. People with no criminal histories are being deported. Families are being torn apart.

We must reject this attempt to hurt Oregon families and we must stand up for our local economy. We call on Oregon’s leaders — elected representatives, business CEOs, civic leaders and small business leaders to reject this initiative and to work together for one Oregon where we can all work and live together.

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