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Promoting Quality Higher Education– An Investment in Oregon’s Future


Introducing Nancy Eichsteadt

February 09, 2018 / PSU-AAUP

Introducing Nancy Eichsteadt

I'm Nancy Eichsteadt and I'm an academic professional in the Graduate School of Education. I've been a union member, working in k-12 and higher education since Tina Turner and Prince were on the top of the charts. I joined PSU in 2000 as a member of Continuing Education and I've worked in marketing, communications and outreach for CEED and GSE. I currently serve on the statewide AAUP executive council as the vice president of communications. I truly believe that every work benefit we enjoy today is the result of someone’s hard work in the past. It's important for us to continue in those efforts and lift each other up when we can.

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