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Statement on the UNC Center for Civil Rights

May 08, 2017 / PSU-AAUP

AAUP- National
By AAUP President Rudy Fichtenbaum
May 8, 2017

Founded in 2001 by the legendary African American civil rights attorney Julius Chambers, the UNC Center for Civil Rights brings together students and faculty, as well as policy experts and practicing attorneys, to advocate for the poor and for racial and ethnic minorities.  It focuses on legal and social issues in the area of education, housing, community development, economic justice, and voting rights.

One of the critical functions of the center is to train students by giving them hands on experience with litigation.  Clearly the work of the center, including its litigation work, is consistent with the mission of the University of North Carolina, of which it is a part.  UNC's mission statement recognizes the value of public service in that it contributes "to the solution of societal problems and enriches the quality of life in the State."  Efforts to prevent the center from engaging in litigation represents a challenge to both the principles of academic freedom and shared governance. 

Read the full article at the AAUP website here.

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