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Promoting Quality Higher Education– An Investment in Oregon’s Future


Executive Council Takes Position on 3 Bills

February 20, 2018 / PSU-AAUP

Legislative Action Update

At its February 15, 2018 meeting, the PSU-AAUP Executive Council considered recommendations from our Legislative Committee and voted to support three bills of broad interest to our profession.


02/15/18 SUPPORT SB 1507 and HB 4001 Directs Environmental Quality Commission (EQC) to adopt a program that establishes a cap on total anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by covered entities and a market-based compliance mechanism (program).  

Rationale: The bill is not a priority for the Higher Education coalition, but it is of considerable interest to those in higher education who understand, conduct research on and educate others on the need to mitigate carbon impacts on climate change.      

02/15/18 SUPPORT HB 4155 Prohibits a broadband Internet access service provider from disclosing, selling, or permitting access to personal information of customers of the provider except by the customer's consent starting January 1, 2019. Requires a broadband Internet access service provider to take reasonable measure to protect their customers' personal information. Makes a violation an unlawful trade practice. Establishes the Task Force on Broadband Security. Requires Task Force to study laws protecting information of broadband Internet customers. Requires the Task Force to report to the interim committee of the Legislative Assembly related to the judiciary no later than December 15, 2018. Declares an emergency, and is effective on passage. 

Rationale: Network Neutrality is not only a consumer issue, but a freedom of expression issue that might impact higher education employees’ access to information on the Internet to conduct their work. 

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