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Fall Reopening?: Member Safety our #1 Priority

February 08, 2021 / PSU-AAUP

Just a quick note to remind folks that though President Percy and others have spoken about a safe return to campus for fall, we are very aware that members have significant concerns. First of all: all reopening plans are contingent upon vaccine availability and other aspects of the pandemic status. Additionally, we will be advocating for faculty, staff, and students to ensure that the safety and health of all will be a priority. As a means to speak to this, we will be sending out a brief survey to members asking what kind of “return to campus” world they would like to see. Look for that to come to your inbox soon. We will report our results and we will share that information with the administration during our negotiations. As opposed to many of our faculty colleagues across the country, this summer 2020 PSU-AAUP was able to negotiate very successfully for our members an agreement that enabled most of our members to work remotely during this pandemic. We are confident in our ability to continue to protect and advocate for you.

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