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Principal Investigator Policy

December 16, 2019 / Phil Lesch

We previously reported on September 16 that there was an agreement on the Effects of the Implementation of the Principal Investigator Eligibility and Responsibility Policy, and then on November 25 we reported that the ground rule issues that needed to be changed to enable ratification and implementation during bargaining had been worked out.

The MOA on the Effects of the policy was reviewed and approved to be submitted to the members for ratification at the December 5, executive council meeting. We received a final copy of the policy on December 11, and we are now ready to submit to the membership for ratification. The ratification vote will be announced in an email to members on Monday January 6, and the ratification ballot will open on Tuesday January 7, be open for 15 days, and close on Wednesday January 22. We will be using for the ballot, as we have done in the past. Members of record as of December 20, 2019 will be invited to participate in the ballot.

Thank you for your patience as we worked through the complicated issues of ratifying and implementing agreements while we are in bargaining over the successor agreement.

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