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Promoting Quality Higher Education– An Investment in Oregon’s Future


Regional Labor Panels Are Hailed as Likely to Improve Colleges’ Relations With Adjuncts

March 28, 2017 / PSU-AAUP

PSU-AAUP was in attendance at the 44th annual conference of the National Center for the Study of Collective Bargaining in Higher Education and the Professions, see our post here.

The Chronicle of Higher Education
By Peter Schmidt
March 28, 2017

When this city's construction companies need to hire plumbers, they turn to a single citwide union, United Association Local 1, to provide them.  As much as non-tenure-track faculty members might cringe at being compared to such workers, might they benefit from having colleges near them siliarly hire contingent faculty members from a single pool?

The idea of having colleges recruit contingent instructors from "hiring halls' like those used in construction trades- or, at the very least, create entities to collaboratively deal with such instructors' workplace concerns - drew remarkably strong interest here on Monday at a conference on academic labor negotiations.

Read the full article at The Chronicle of Higher Education's website here.

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