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UC-AFT Teaching Faculty Reach Historic Agreement

November 18, 2021 / PSU-AAUP

University Council - AFT

November 2021

This contract revolutionizes the first six years of a lecturer’s career at the UC. This contract provides a robust system for moving lecturers from initial hire to continuing appointment. The first year is a one year contract with a review in writing, and a preference for being considered before new hires, as well as a raise going for the second year. The next contract is a two year contract with a review in the second year of that contract and a raise going into the fourth year. The next contract is a three year contract that leads to an excellence review for a continuing appointment. Unlike the current system of complete precarity through the first five years of a lecturer’s career with a requirement that lecturers apply for their jobs each year, after the first year all the contracts are multi-year. Unlike the current system of completely arbitrary decisions on rehiring, every contract includes a review process and a written evaluation.

Read the full piece and check out UC-AFT's wins here

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