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AFT-Oregon VP At Large Vacancies

March 12, 2024 / PSU-AAUP

The AFT-Oregon Executive Council has two vacancies for Vice-President at Large positions. Vice-Presidents at Large act as liaisons to locals; attend EC meetings as voting officers; and work within our federation to accomplish our goals, which include developing more focused VP roles over the next 2 years in accordance with theExpanded Executive Council amendment we passed at convention; increasing engagement and participation opportunities for local leadership and rank-and-file membership; and improving transparency, accountability, and accessibility of our federation proceedings.

The appointed candidates will serve until the end of June 2025. At a minimum, VPs at Large are expected to attend monthly AFT-Oregon Executive Committee meetings (4-5 hours, one day a month, in-person OR on Zoom) and to serve on other sub-committees as interested / appointed.

In accordance with the Constitution and Bylaws Article VI, Section 2.c, candidates must be union members in good standing, and no one local can field more than two Executive Council officers. AFT-OR's Executive Council would be especially excited to consider candidates from locals or job classifications that are not already well-represented by elected leadership, and we encourage applicants who bring diverse perspectives to state federation leadership to apply.

If you are interested in serving as a VP at Large, please complete this Google Form which asks you to submit your name, local number, position within your local, and statement of interest detailing why you’re interested. On the form, you will also find more detailed instructions and sample questions to help you craft your statement of interest.

Please submit the Google Form by April 15th, 2024. 

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