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Balloting On CBA Articles 9,10,18

June 02, 2023 / PSU-AAUP

Over the past few months, the AAUP Collective Bargaining Team has met with PSU Administration to discuss potential changes to two areas of the collective bargaining agreement: the articles that lay out how membership dues are collected (Articles 9 & 10) and the article specific to Non-Tenure Track Faculty matters (Article 18).

New language has been tentatively agreed to (TA'd) by the Administration and AAUP teams. It now needs to be reviewed and voted on by AAUP members in order to be finalized.

What are the changes?
With regard to Article 9 & 10, the changes are bureaucratic in nature; these language modifications were required in order for the AAUP to go to a direct electronic (online) membership sign-up form. There is no change to dues rates or the way in which dues are deducted. Paper membership forms will still be available, but online sign-up is simpler, easier for people to access, and much more efficient. In this day and age, it's also what most people expect.

The changes made to Article 18 (Non-Tenure Track Research and Instructional Faculty) are also primarily cosmetic or editorial, not substantive. The goal of both parties was to make Article 18 easier to read and use as a guide to process and deadlines. There are a few substantive changes, made to update outdated language or correct errors.


How do I vote?
You will receive a ballot from ElectionBuddy on Monday, June 5th. If you have not received a ballot by June 6th, please contact the AAUP office at

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