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Promoting Quality Higher Education– An Investment in Oregon’s Future


Executive Council Takes Supporting positions on 4 Bills and Opposes 1

March 14, 2019 / Heather Nahmias

On its March 14, 2019 meeting, the Executive Council considered bills from our Legislative Committee and took the following positions:  



Relating to members of Higher Education Coordinating Commission.

Alters commissioner composition of Higher Education Coordinating Commission by redesignating five current nonvoting positions as voting positions and by adding one additional position for graduate student attending public university.


Rationale: HB 3280 is priority legislation sponsored by our Higher Education Coalition. It would make the existing faculty, student, and staff HECC positions voting members and would add graduate student representation. Adding these voting positions would strengthen the voice of campus constituents on the HECC.




Relating to public university police officers; prescribing an effective date.

Prohibits police officers commissioned by public university from carrying firearms as police officers outside of police headquarters if public university is located in city with population exceeding 150,000. Becomes operative January 1, 2020. Takes effect on 91st day following adjournment sine die.


Rationale: HB3338 would prohibit campus police from carrying firearms outside of police headquarters on campuses located in cities with populations above 150,000 (PSU & UO). Especially for faculty and students of color, armed police present a real public and workplace safety issue.




Relating to the Oregon Promise program.

Excludes credits earned in accelerated college credit programs from applying when determining eligibility for receiving Oregon Promise program grant or renewal of grant.


Rationale: HB3345 is a fix to the Oregon Promise program to allow students who have 90 or more dual enrollment credits to still retain eligibility. This has the effect of helping more people access the program.




Relating to paying the cost of health care services.

Requires health benefit plans, state medical assistance program, Public Employees’ Benefit Board and Oregon Educators Benefit Board to pay for standard fertility preservation services for covered individual who will undergo medical treatment that is likely to result in iatrogenic infertility.


Rationale: Like SB132, which we’ve already supported, SB911 would expand PEBB coverage to include necessary fertility preservation services for those undergoing treatment which is likely to produce infertility. This is a needed and fair expansion of our members’ health insurance benefits.




Relating to labor organizations.

Prohibits employer from requiring that employee become or remain member of labor organization or pay dues, fees or other amounts in lieu of dues to labor organization as condition for or continuation of employment. Makes agreements that have purpose or effect of requiring employee to agree to such requirements void and unenforceable. Requires district attorney of each county and Attorney General to investigate and prosecute complaints of violation of prohibition of such requirements. Prohibits public and private employers from entering into union security agreements that require mandatory labor organization dues or membership.


Rationale: HB 3244, like other bills we’ve opposed, seeks to write Janus restrictions into Oregon law. Moreover, it would extend the prohibition on union security agreements to extend to private employers.

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