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Job Security for NTTF & APs

May 19, 2020 / PSU-AAUP

While the University has not approached PSU-AAUP about employment cuts or furloughs, there have been many questions from members about this.  It’s important to know your rights and know that if this does happen, AAUP will be at the table with the administration to advocate for our members.

Under the current contract, NTTF faculty members on continuous appointment tracks are protected through the end of AY 2020-21. See: Article 18, Section 2(b) and for those who have earned a continuous appointment: (Article 18 Section 2 (e) 3).

APs appointed on indefinite contracts also have job protections and will be provided with 90-180 days notice depending on years of service (See Article 17, Section 5 (b) of the contract for details).

If the university were to declare financial exigency, or that a condition requiring department reductions or eliminations exists, there are some exceptions to the above timelines. However, this would require a very specific process, which would include Faculty Senate involvement. Please refer to Article 22 which provides additional details about processes related to retrenchment and financial exigency. 

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